Completed Projects of Mukto Akash...

Uphold Human Rights and Legal Aid Support for PLHIV Towards better Environment
Mukto Akash Bangladesh has implemented a rights base program with PLHIV aiming to create a conducive environment for People living with infected and affected by HIV/AIDS through advocacy, legal support, community awareness, health and nutritional services and establish right defender group in Dhaka, Khulna and Barisal divisions funded by Manusher Janno Foundation (MJF). The duration of the project is 2008-2013 By implement this right of PLHIV has been enhanced and gets access to receive health and other services.

MAB-HIV Prevention Project Among Drug Users funded by FHI (Family Health International):
Mukto Akash Bangladesh had implemented the above title project for ensuring care, support and treatment to the Injecting Living with HIV/AIDS funded USAID and manages by FHI360. The main goal of this project was to prevent HIV and AIDS among drug users as well as community people through Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) & comprehensive care and support services. The duration of the project was July’2010 to July’2014. The major activities are VCT, hospitalization, peer counseling, FP counseling, ARV adherence counseling , family, group and one to one counseling, psychosocial day, TB screening etc.

Providing Care and Support for the most affected people by HIV and AIDS (PLHIV)
This project was funded by Global Fund and SCI was principle recipient of GF # 910 through Ahar Alo Consortium focusing on providing care support and treatment to the PLHIV across the country.
The major activities are providing Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), counseling, training, creating enable environment to GOB hospital, capacity building, IGA, advocacy, hospitalization, sensitization and OIs etc. The duration of the project was from December’2008 to December’2014,

Enhancing Mobile Populations’ Access to HIV & AIDS Information, Services and Support (EMPHASIS):
The aims of the project was to reduce the vulnerability of key mobile populations to HIV & AIDS along two mobility routes between Bangladesh/India and Nepal/India by delivering focused interventions at source, transit and destination points. MAB was working under this project in Khulna and Satkhira for two and half years with CARE’B funded by Big Lottery Fund. Major activities were to OIs management, counseling, member day and home visit etc.